Sunday, March 30, 2014

Does God have a specific plan for me?

In church we are starting a short series on knowing the will of God for your life entitled Will.I.Am.  This topic has come up in conversation with several people lately.  I think he specifically has a plan for me, other friends think he only has much more broad things of the world laid out and leaves more specific things of each person's life to fate/chance.

What I do know is this:  We are here to worship God (John 4:23), become part of his family (Romans 8:14-16), grow in spiritual maturity (Ephesians 4:14-15), serve others in the church (Ephesians 4:16) and be a witness to the world of God's love and grace (Acts 1:8).  God wants us to serve those who are less fortunate (Matthew 25:34-40).  God wants us to become more like his son (Romans 8:29)

What we talked about today was that even when Jesus was on the earth his followers asked him to just tell them plainly who he was (John 10:24).  Seems like patience was not plentiful then either.  There really is nothing new under the sun.  We still have the "I want it now" attitude.  Jeremiah 29:12-13 is a promise that we all claim and we would like spelled out with who we are to marry, what house we are to buy, how many children we are to care for, and when we should retire.  It would also be really good if God would follow our pre-thought out plan for our life that we present him with every time we talk with him.  He does say in these verses that he is here to be found by us if we will come - ask - and seek him.  Matthew 7:7-8 says when we don't have an answer to ask and he will answer.

Evidence that God has a plan for us:  1Tim 2:4, John 6:40, 1 Thes 4:3-7, 1 Peter 2:15, 1 Thes 5:16-17

Psalm 119:105  His words are to be a light to our path (not a beacon to our future, but a light to the path right in front of you).  We must study and know the word of God.  The longer you build and live your life on the Word of God, the easier it is to know and do the will of God.

Eze 36:27, Rom 8:27, Pro 11:14
Prayer is really to conform our will to God's will.  It is for us to come before the King and lay our problems and concerns at the feet of Jesus.  Ask him to show you the things you don't know and that you can't see about your situation.  God already knows what you want to do.  Lay aside what your heart tells you and listen to God.

Circumstances in our lives can be manipulated just like our heart and feelings.  Family and friends can give you the wrong advice in good faith.  Only the Word of God and revelations from God given through fasting and prayer can confirm the will of God in your life.  Paul went away for 3 years to be alone with God (Gal 1:11-18) just to confirm God's will in his life.  To truly know the will of God in our life, we need to put everything else down and spend time alone with God.

Monday, March 24, 2014


You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown, where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep, my faith will stand

Your grace abounds in deepest waters
Your sovereign hand will be my guide
Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me
You've never failed, and You won't start now

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior 
I will call upon Your name
Keep my eyes above the waves
My soul will rest in Your embrace
I am Yours, and You are mine
I am Yours, and You are mine