Friday, August 29, 2008

Gondola Ride

Mom's  (aka Grandma) birthday was last week and we decided to wait until Uncle Ben joined Aunt Meme here in Alabama to celebrate.  We went to Bridge Street Center and went on a gondola ride.  The man rowing us around said that the boat was made in Venice and you can't tip them over.  Baby Gwen really seemed to like being in the boat and the night air blowing her hair as we watched the sun set on the horizon.  Mom and dad even kissed under the bridge!! We finished up the night with ice cream at Maggie Moo's. I have discovered that as long as you are pushing the stroller and are outside, Gwen is pretty entertained.  She loved the waterfalls and the lights in the courtyard areas.  I have to admit, she has great taste at two months old :-)  I like the lights and waterfall too!

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