Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mrs. Pendley

As most of you know, Mrs. Pendley is Clay and Chloe's kindergarten teacher.  She had breast cancer two years ago and went back in November for a check up.  Long story short-they have discovered reoccurring breast cancer in the lymph nodes under her collarbone.  This is not really common from what I read, but it is aggressive.  She started chemotherapy two weeks ago and will add another chemo agent in a month or so.  The kids have had a substitute this week and Mrs. Pendley is not coming back before Christmas.  To be honest, I cried when I read this-for several reasons.  

1.  Mrs. Pendley is an awesome teacher.  The kids had a follow up with the occupational therapist in Huntsville that they have been seeing for two years.  Even when school started they were both borderline with developmental skills.  This follow up revealed that they are doing EXTREMELY well with all the skills that they were having trouble with just three months ago.  Clay is stronger and has better balance, can write and do mazes better than Mrs. Ruthie every expected.  Chloe is more oriented to task, can finish two to three groups of instructions without becoming distracted and can write very well.  And to top it all off - both can tie their shoes :-)  I know Mrs. Pendley was a big part in getting them to this level developmentally.  She is very consistent and manages to get all kinds of knowledge to sink into thick 5 year old skulls!  Not an easy task by anyone's description.  So I am being entirely selfish----I want Mrs. Pendley back.  She is such a teacher - how can anyone else compare or live up to her standards.  I wouldn't even apply for the job.

2.  Mrs. Pendley is a very righteous, loving person, mother of 4 young kids, friend to all.  It just isn't fair.  I know life isn't supposed to be fair.....but???

3.  This is pretty close to home.  She is a young woman who has faced death already.  How would I react?  How do you explain such a disease and treatment process to your children?  How do you rest in God's strength and not fall to pieces?  How do you deal with the dark days and focus on your blessings?  I cannot imagine the strength it takes not to just lie in bed and want to die.  And then on the other hand, how do you spend enough time with your kids and loved ones?  The questions never end and the answers are so obscure.  

Please add her to your prayer lists at church.  Her full name is Christine Pendley and she lives here in Decatur.  She is a member of First Baptist Church here in Decatur.

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