Monday, June 15, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

My darlings made me flowers at school out of egg cartons for Mother's Day and my sweetie gave me real flowers for Mother's Day (or perhaps for my birthday too).  I thought they were all lovely :-)  We went to Chick-Fil-A and ate one Tuesday and found the cow.  Notice that neither Chloe nor Clay is standing close enough to touch the cow.  We still (at 6 1/2 years old) haven't sat in Santa's lap, talked to the Easter bunny, does anyone else see a trend here?  They did love the balloons and ice cream.  This is the only meal that Clay eats faster than anyone else.  I am sure it has nothing to do with the playground!!

End of kindergarten

I can't believe that the kids have completed kindergarten.  It really is amazing what all they have learned.  They can read simple books, add, count, use a computer.....I think all I did in kindergarten was color.  I do remember coloring in a phonics workbook.  Chloe and Clay both had a grand old time at field day and kite day.  Just for you readers looking into purchasing a kite, Clay's kite flew so much better than Chloe's kite.  I personally recommend the cheap feeling plastic kite.  I am a pretty pitiful kite flyer :-(  Luckily, the kids were just happy to be outside!


These are some random shots of the flower bed, the "new look" of the house without the ugly tree, Chloe and her petunias she planted, Clay and his beloved bike and our small garden that we have strawberries, tomatoes and cabbage growing in.  I even have three volunteer tomato plants!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kids and Cats

I just happened to be outisde when Pepper and Spice wanted to go outside....we are going to try that later this summer.  Today was Kindergarten Awards day in which each child gets a certificate for attending class.  Clay and Chloe were quite proud of themselves and are very excited to be going into the first grade.  Two more days of school!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Grandpa's Surgery

Grandpa had cataracts removed and then had his eyelids "lifted" least that is what he is telling people.  Chloe and Clay think that Grandma has been very mean to Grandpa!!  Personally, I think my dad lost whatever fight he was in.  The kids love to look at the stitches :-)

More photos from trip

I have been busy.......

It is the best excuse I can come u with n short has been lovingly pointed out that I have not updated my blog for months :-)  

We have been busy!  Really busy!!  We traveled to Kansas City, KS on an airplane :-)  The kids had a ball flying.  We visited a shopping center that had Dorothy and The Wizard of Oz theme....Chloe really thinks that Dorothy lives in Kansas somewhere.  We ate at a restaurant that served each table by "trains" that ran on a track around the place.  Even I had a good time.  

Baby Gwen was a delight.  She is sooo cute and a good baby.  She just laughs and coos.  Mom taught her to wave bye-bye.  Bless her heart, she has no hair!  She likes musical toys.  Reminds me of my kids when they were little, the louder the better!