Thursday, April 23, 2009

Grandpa's Surgery

Grandpa had cataracts removed and then had his eyelids "lifted" least that is what he is telling people.  Chloe and Clay think that Grandma has been very mean to Grandpa!!  Personally, I think my dad lost whatever fight he was in.  The kids love to look at the stitches :-)

More photos from trip

I have been busy.......

It is the best excuse I can come u with n short has been lovingly pointed out that I have not updated my blog for months :-)  

We have been busy!  Really busy!!  We traveled to Kansas City, KS on an airplane :-)  The kids had a ball flying.  We visited a shopping center that had Dorothy and The Wizard of Oz theme....Chloe really thinks that Dorothy lives in Kansas somewhere.  We ate at a restaurant that served each table by "trains" that ran on a track around the place.  Even I had a good time.  

Baby Gwen was a delight.  She is sooo cute and a good baby.  She just laughs and coos.  Mom taught her to wave bye-bye.  Bless her heart, she has no hair!  She likes musical toys.  Reminds me of my kids when they were little, the louder the better!