Thursday, April 23, 2009

I have been busy.......

It is the best excuse I can come u with n short has been lovingly pointed out that I have not updated my blog for months :-)  

We have been busy!  Really busy!!  We traveled to Kansas City, KS on an airplane :-)  The kids had a ball flying.  We visited a shopping center that had Dorothy and The Wizard of Oz theme....Chloe really thinks that Dorothy lives in Kansas somewhere.  We ate at a restaurant that served each table by "trains" that ran on a track around the place.  Even I had a good time.  

Baby Gwen was a delight.  She is sooo cute and a good baby.  She just laughs and coos.  Mom taught her to wave bye-bye.  Bless her heart, she has no hair!  She likes musical toys.  Reminds me of my kids when they were little, the louder the better!

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